Join a Glance Session
If you use Cobrowse as a stand-alone service without CRM integration, agents should go to: to join a Cobrowse session.
If not already logged in, the agent will be prompted to:
Log in using their Glance Address and Password.
Enter the Session Code supplied by the website visitor.
To prevent agents from having to repeatedly log in as they access Glance through the day, they can keep this link open in their browser: While they have that link open, they will not need to re-authenticate on the Agent Join page.
Join a Session Through CRM Integration
If you are using a CRM integration such as Glance for Salesforce, you can join a session by setting up a field from a standard object (Lead, Case, Person, Opportunity, etc.) as the Visitor ID.
Once setup, the agent can click the Cobrowse button from Salesforce and when the button lights up orange - indicating that the specific user is on the company web property - they can be instantly connected to a Cobrowse session together.
This effectively eliminates the need of verbally transferring a key from visitor to agent. You may configure this to pass along a verbal confirmation, terms and conditions, or launch the session immediately. For more information visit Glance Integrations Support.