
1. Install the SDK

The Mobile SDK for iOS is available for installation via Cocoapods or Manual integration.


Add Glance_iOS framework into your Podfile:

pod 'Glance_iOS'

Run pod_install in your terminal:

pod install


Download Glance_iOS from here.

Drag the xcframework to your XCode project and select Copy items if needed. Quick Quick

Make sure it was added to Frameworks and Libraries section in the General tab from your target Settings, don’t forget to select the embed option Embed & Sign. Quick Quick

2. Initialize the SDK

On application startup, initialize the SDK with the following lines:

import Glance_iOS
GlanceVisitor.initVisitor(GLANCE_GROUP_ID, token: "", name: "", email: "", phone: "")
#import <Glance_iOS/Glance_iOS.h>
[GlanceVisitor init:GLANCE_GROUP_ID token:@"" name:@"" email:@"" phone:@""];

We recommend to call the init method as soon as your app starts, you can do this in your AppDelegate initialization. For example:

import Glance_iOS
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool
    // Configure Glance Visitor SDK
    GlanceVisitor.initVisitor(GLANCE_GROUP_ID, token: "", name: "", email: "", phone: "")
    return true
#import <Glance_iOS/Glance_iOS.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Configure Glance Visitor SDK
    [GlanceVisitor init:GLANCE_GROUP_ID token:@"" name:@"" email:@"" phone:@""];
    return YES;

3. Start sharing your screen

To start sharing your screen, call the startSession() method like this:

[GlanceVisitor startSession];

After that, click on Accept: Quick Quick

Then you’ll see a code like the screen below: Quick Quick

Copy the code from the screen and send to your Agent, once they accept the call, you will be sharing your screen. Quick Quick

You can also define a Session Code when calling startSession()

[GlanceVisitor startSession:@"22333"];

If you define it, now you should pass that Session Code to the agent and wait until they connect.

4. Testing the Agent

To confirm the integration is working, start the session and note the session key.

Now, to simulate the Agent, go to: https://www.glance.net/agentjoin/AgentJoin.aspx.

If not logged in already, the agent will be asked to login, ask Glance for your credentials if you still don’t have them: Quick Quick

Now, enter the Session Code and tap Join Session: Quick Quick

After that, you’ll be able to see your mobile device screen.

5. Receiving events

To receive events from the SDK, you need to implement the protocol GlanceVisitorDelegate like below:

class MyGlanceVisitorDelegate: GlanceVisitorDelegate {
    func glanceVisitorEvent(_ event: GlanceEvent!) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            switch event.code {
            case EventSessionEnded:
                // Successfully connected to session
                // Get generated session key

            case EventConnectedToSession:
                // Couldn't start session
                // Error message can be found in event.message

            case EventStartSessionFailed:
                // Session ended

                // It is recommended that you at log all other events to help debug during development
                // Best practice is to log all other events of type EventAssertFail, EventError, or EventWarning
@protocol GlanceVisitorDelegate

    switch (event.code)      
        case EventConnectedToSession:
            // Successfully connected to session
            // Get generated session key
        case EventStartSessionFailed:
            // Couldn't start session
            // Error message can be found in event.message

        case EventSessionEnded:
            // Session ended
            // It is recommended that you at log all other events to help debug during development
            // Best practice is to log all other events of type EventAssertFail, EventError, or EventWarning

All events must be treated on the Main Thread, so we need to use DispatchQueue.main.async.

Finally, we need to add our new delegate to the SDK, otherwise our delegate will not receive any events:

[GlanceVisitor addDelegate: self];

6. Masking

Views with personal private information or banking information should be hidden from the agent. You can mask a view like this:

[GlanceVisitor addMaskedView: self.creditCardNumberTextField];

You can remove a mask with another call:

[GlanceVisitor removeMaskedView: self.creditCardNumberTextField];