Mobile SDK

Mobile Introduction

With Glance’s mobile Cobrowse technology, representatives can join customers in your Android or iOS mobile apps to help guide and advise them right in their moment of need. With Glance’s mobile collaboration capabilities, your human experts can guide issue resolution, consult on transactions, offer expertise and advice, give virtual training and onboarding, and more. ​

The mobile SDK is easy to integrate into your mobile apps and pairs with pre-built integrations to agent desktops of CRM, CCaaS, and custom systems to offer a complete, out-of-the-box solution.​

Features of Glance’s mobile Cobrowse technology include:

  • Mobile Cobrowse: See the mobile app screens that your user sees.
    • Content embedded in your mobile app, such as a webpage or PDF document, can also be viewed during a mobile Cobrowse session.
    • Other apps, device settings, or the user’s home screen are not viewable.
  • Gesturing: Guide customers with gestures and highlights, providing distinct visual callouts for customers to follow.
  • Field masking: Dynamically hide customers’ sensitive information at the view level or on individual elements of your apps views. In addition, webViews loaded within your app can also be masked using CSS selectors and IDs.
  • Video: Allow a representative-only stream (one-way) or request customers to turn on their video stream (two-way) to personalize the collaboration.
    • Representatives can have a branded, custom background.
    • Participants can blur their backgrounds.
    • Users can resize the video window, snap to corners, minimize, or turn it on and off during a Glance Guided CX session.
  • Intelligent connect: Proactively start Glance Guided CX sessions with authenticated customers when conditions are right.
    • One-click from within a representative’s workspace at their discretion.
    • No-click auto-join using business intelligence, routing rules, AI signals, or customer preferences.
  • Visitor-initiated sessions: Visitors can initiate a session by utilizing a randomly generated or predefined key. This key is then shared with the agent, allowing them to join the session seamlessly.
  • Default UI: An out-of-the-box implementation of our mobile SDK with a default UI that can be copied and customized to fit a company’s brand. ​

iOS Documentation

Get started integrating Glance into your iOS Apps with Swift or Objective-C. Refer to the following ReadMe files for detailed information:

Android Documentation

Get started integrating Glance into your Android Apps with Kotlin or Java. Refer to the following ReadMe files for detailed information:

OS Support

​ To review which mobile operating systems are supported by our SDK, please see here.


Q: What available options exist to consume the SDK?

A: There are two options available to integrate the SDK, the DefaultUI or the CoreSDK.

  • The DefaultUI is an open-code project which has a fully-implemented version of the UI that can be quickly implemented and customized. All elements of the UI can be customized through the DefaultUI because the code is open and visible to your developers and can be modified.
  • The CoreSDK is available for more complete customization.

Q: How long does a mobile implementation take?

A: There are a few different factors, it depends on whether or not the DefaultUI is implemented or if only the core is being used, the complexity of the app it is being integrated with, and the size of the development teams. In general, the DefaultUI is an out of the box implementation that will greatly speed up the integration process.

Q: Are session secure?

A: Yes, all sessions, including video, are transmitted through secure, encrypted channels to ensure data privacy and protection.