Bandwidth Requirements

Glance offers a suite of visual collaboration tools. The data below provide guidance for the additional bandwidth a company may require for their particular use cases.

The rates in these tables represent service-wide averages across many enterprise customers. A company’s actual average bandwidth consumption may vary by use case. Please contact your Glance Customer Success manager for a deeper dive.

Cobrowse Bandwidth

  • Glance cobrowse session traffic briefly bursts whenever the visitor’s browser’s Document Object Model changes, then drops back to near-zero after sending the DOM changes.
  • During a cobrowse session, the visitor’s browser typically sends (uploads) to the Glance cobrowse service somewhat less than the amount of data it downloads to browse the target website.
  • (One-way) Glance Agent Video on average adds an additional 250 kbits/second from the agent to the visitor. Actual video bit rate varies with network condition and the amount of motion.
  • Glance’s service-wide average for the “browse target website” bandwidth (below) is about 50 kbits/second.

Typical average bandwidth consumption (kbits/second)

Cobrowse only Cobrowse with one-way video
Upload Download Upload Download
Visitor (browse target website) (browse target website) (browse target website) 250 +
(browse target website)
Agent 5 (browse target website) 250 (browse target website)

Glance Video

Glance Video will require different amounts of bandwidth depending on a number of factors, with the most important being:

  • Whether or not the viewing is happening in large or small video
  • The number of participants in the session
  • How well the frame will compress

Large video, per participant, starts at 640 x 360 resolution with 24 frames per second. Small video starts at 320 x 180 at 20 frames per second per participant.

The grid below shows expected bandwidth usage per video stream for high quality video:

Grid Type Active Inactive
Large Grid 1.6 Mbps 400 kbps
Small Grid 400 kbps 50 kbps

For example, a visitor and agent in a two person large video session would each use 3.2 Mbps of bandwidth.

In situations of low bandwidth, Glance will automatically reduce the frame rate and the resolution.

Mobile SDK Bandwidth

  • Glance Mobile SDK app session traffic briefly bursts up to several megabits/sec when content on the app’s screen changes, then drops to near-zero after the changes are sent.
  • If the app’s screen changes continuously for many seconds (e.g., to show an animation), Glance caps uploaded traffic from the mobile SDK at about 1000 kbits/second.
  • One-way Glance Agent Video adds on average an additional 250 kbits/second from the agent to the mobile user. Actual video bit rate varies with network condition and device speed.
  • Glance Mobile SDK continuously optimizes the agent’s view to deliver the best possible experience the network can sustain at that moment within these constraints.

Typical average bandwidth consumption (kbits/second).

Screen share only Screen share with one-way video
Upload Download Upload Download
Mobile SDK 50 - 140 250
Agent - 50 250 140

Mobile Camera Share Bandwidth

Mobile Camera Share requires 1.2 Mbps of available bandwidth to use this feature.

Screen Share Bandwidth

  • Glance Screen Share traffic briefly bursts up to several megabit/sec when content changes, then drops back to near-zero after the changes are sent.
  • If screen changes persist for many seconds (e.g., showing an animation or the agent’s webcam viewer), Glance caps traffic at about 1000 kbits/sec. Frame rate may drop accordingly.
  • For the best webcam experience, keep its video preview window small.
  • Most screen sharing sessions that do not use video change content only occasionally, leading to the typical average bandwidth rates listed below.
  • Glance Screen Share continuously optimizes each participant’s view to deliver the best possible experience for their network quality at that moment.

Typical average bandwidth consumption (kbits/second).

Screen share only Screen share with one-way video
Upload Download Upload Download
Presenter 100 - 1000 -
Each viewer - 100 - 1000

Session Timeouts

  • Cobrowse: Session ends 2 min after starting if no agent joins.
  • Screen Share - VIEW Session: Session ends 10-15 min after starting if no visitor joins.
  • Screen Share - SHOW Session: Session ends 10 min after starting if no visitor joins.
  • Screen Share - Visitor Start Session (Desktop and Mobile): Session ends 10-15 min after starting if no agent joins.