Hosted Infrastructure

Glance’s session load is spread across data centers around the globe. Each session is assigned to a server in a data center geographically close to the session’s host, in order to minimize path latency. Sessions at each location are balanced across a pool of available servers.

Distributed Architecture

Glance’s distributed architecture ensures there is no single point of failure. Should one server or even an entire data center drop offline, the remaining data centers assume the load and new sessions are rerouted. Sessions that were running on a failed server will drop, but hosts typically are able to restart them within a minute.

Data Centers

Glance’s servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS data centers offer excellent security against physical intrusion, power and network outages, and other adverse events. Glance operates backup servers for business continuity in a different geographical region from primary servers.

Production Servers

All production servers are hardened. Non-essential services are disabled and security patches applied as appropriate. Remote management is by secure SSH only, from pre-authorized IP addresses.