Access Logs

The Access Log within Account Management records all activity that occurs within Account Management and the Glance backend settings for a group.

Complete the following steps to view the Access Log:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Activity tab.
  3. Click on Group Access Log.

Access Logs Access Logs

  1. Input the date range for the activity that you wish to review.

Access Logs Access Logs

  • The Time column displays when the activity occurred.
  • The User column displays the user impacted by the activity. This name will default to the user responsible for the activity if it impacts the entire group.
  • The Operation column displays where the activity occurred and the type of action taken. Refer to the Operation table for detailed information.
  • The By column displays the user responsible for the activity.
  • The IP column displays the IP address from where the activity occurred.
  • The Detail column displays additional information regarding the activity.

Operation Table

Operation Description
sitecust.edit.cobrowse An update was made to the Cobrowse Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.edit.screenshare An update was made to the Screenshare Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information. An update was made to the Video Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.edit.joinpage An update was made to the Join Page Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.edit.presence An update was made to the Presence Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.edit.sms An update was made to the SMS Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.edit.general An update was made to the General Group Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
sitecust.add.pagecust An update was made to the Page Customization Settings within the Glance backend settings. Review the Detail column for specific information.
update.account.AccountSettings Updates were made in the Settings tab. Review the Detail column for specific information.
update.account.portal.EditRoleSe Updates were made to the Role Settings section within the Portal tab. Review the Detail column for specific information.
user.add A user was added to the group.
user.delete A user was deleted from the group. A user's contact information was edited.
view.account.AccountActivity Accessed the Activity tab.
view.account.AccountCobrowse Accessed Manage your cobrowse settings within the Settings tab.
view.account.AccountPageCustomiz Accessed Manage your page customization settings within the Settings tab.
view.account.AccountProfile Accessed the Profile tab.
view.account.AccountProvisionSSO Accessed Manage your single sign-on settings within the Settings tab.
view.account.AccountSessionDetai Accessed Session Detail within the Summary tab.
view.account.AccountSettings Accessed the Settings tab.
view.account.AccountSummary Accessed the Summary tab.
view.account.AccountUsers Accessed the Users tab.
view.account.AccountVideo Accessed Manage your video settings within the Settings tab.
view.account.EditUser Accessed Edit Users within the Users tab.
view.account.portal.AddSubscribe Accessed Add Users within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.ChoosePlans Accessed Choose plans available to this group within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.ConvertPartn Accessed Convert a group to partner within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.CopyCustomiz Accessed Copy customizations within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.CreateGroup Accessed Create account within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.EditGroupSet Accessed Account Settings within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.EditRoleSett Accessed Role Settings within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.EditSubGroup Accessed Inheritance within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.EditSubscrib Accessed Edit Users within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.ExportSubscr Accessed Export users within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.InsertSub Accessed Insert an existing group under this group within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.ManageSubscr Accessed Bulk update users within the Portal tab.
view.account.portal.Summary Accessed the Portal tab.
view.account.ViewActivityLog Accessed the Activity Log.
view.account.portal.ViewHistory Accessed the Access Log within the Portal tab.
web.login Logged in to using a password.
web.login.sso Logged in to using SSO.

If you need additional detail regarding an operation not defined on this page, Contact Glance.