Customizing UI

1. Notifications Events

To receive notification events from the user interactions with the UI, you must implement the GlanceDefaultUIDelegate protocol.

class GlanceUIManager: NSObject, GlanceDefaultUIDelegate {
    func glanceDefaultUIDialogAccepted() {
    func glanceDefaultUIDialogCancelled() {
    func glanceDefaultUIVoiceAuthenticationRequired() {
    func glanceDefaultUIVoiceDidAuthenticate(_ dict: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
    func glanceDefaultUIVoiceAuthenticationFailed() {
@protocol GlanceDefaultUIDelegate <NSObject>





2. Disabling default UI

If you want to use your own fully custom UI, you must disable the default UI, as it is on by default.

GlanceVisitor.defaultUI(false, delegate: self)
[GlanceVisitor defaultUI: NO delegate: myDelegate];

To use the default UI, but supply a GlanceDefaultUIDelegate or your own terms and conditions URL:

GlanceVisitor.defaultUI(false, delegate: self, termsURL: "")
[GlanceVisitor defaultUI: YES delegate: myDelegate termsURL: @""];

3. Implementing custom UI

First, you must implement the GlanceCustomViewerDelegate protocol

class CustomViewerManager: GlanceCustomViewerDelegate {
     * Called when the agent viewer starts with a supplied UIView and size.
     * @param glanceView    UIView displaying agent video.  Add this view to your interface.
     * @param size          Preferred size of the UIView
    func glanceViewerDidStart(_ glanceView: UIView!, size: CGSize) {
     * Called when the agent viewer has stopped
     * @param glanceView    UIView displaying agent video.  Remove this view from your interface.
    func glanceViewerDidStop(_ glanceView: UIView!) {
 * A delegate to manage the agent viewer video experience.
@protocol GlanceCustomViewerDelegate

 * Called when the agent viewer starts with a supplied UIView and size.
 * @param glanceView    UIView displaying agent video.  Add this view to your interface.
 * @param size          Preferred size of the UIView
-(void) glanceViewerDidStart:(UIView*)glanceView size:(CGSize)size;

 * Called when the agent viewer has stopped
 * @param glanceView    UIView displaying agent video.  Remove this view from your interface.
-(void) glanceViewerDidStop:(UIView*)glanceView;

In order to enable the integration you need to set the custom viewer delegate by calling the following method:

[GlanceVisitor setCustomViewerDelegate:self];