

Release Version


Folders for Web Screen Share Bookmarks


Administrators can now organize bookmark URLs into folders.

Navigation Assist


Navigation Assist provides the ability for the agent to navigate to a URL on the visitor's behalf by clicking on a bookmark within the agent viewer.

Drag and Drop Cobrowse Widget


The widget can now be dragged and dropped on the screen during a session and will snap to a corner based on the quadrant it is moved into.

Role Setting for Background Effects


Administrators can choose background effects for agents based on their role during the Cobrowse session.

Screen Share for Visitors


The agent is able to grant the visitor permission to share their entire screen.

Remote Assist with Restricted Editing


Remote Assist with Restricted Editing controls which specific elements of the page agents can interact with during a Cobrowse session.

Web Screen Share Bookmarks


Administrators have the ability to configure bookmark links of easy-to-share websites that agents can share.

Escalate to Web Screen Share


Agents have the ability to escalate from a Cobrowse session to a Screen Sharing session, without downloading any software.

Visitor Background Blurring


Visitors have the ability to blur their background while they are on video.

Dynamic Masking


The contents of specific element fields, such as credit card number or password fields, can be masked from view by agents. Masked elements can be identified by any CSS selector, including the html name or id attribute. When a text element is masked, agents will only see asterisks in their view. Agents will not be able to see the status of masked dropdown boxes, radio buttons, or checkboxes.

Document Link Sharing


Administrators have the ability to add links to approved PDF, CSV, and Excel documents that agents can share in a session.

Add Additional Guests to Cobrowse Session


Agents have the ability to invite additional guests to a Cobrowse session.

Agent Video Background Effects


Administrators can choose background effects for agents during the Cobrowse session.

Document Sharing


Agents and visitors have the ability to share documents with each other during the session. Users can optionally save the files shared with them to their local computer.

Agent Video


Agent video provides the ability for the agent to lead a web-based video session during which a live video of the agent is displayed to the customer.

Excel Cobrowse


Agents and visitors have the ability to share Excel documents with each other during the session. Users can optionally save the files shared with them to their local computer.

Adding A Guest

Agents have the ability to invite guests to a session

Cobrowsing Excel

The following section outlines requirements and implementation steps for enabling cobrowsing of Microsoft Excel files on your web property.

Cobrowsing PDF

Implementation steps for enabling cobrowsing of PDF files on your web property.

Document Share

Implementation steps for enabling the ability for agents and visitors to share documents during Cobrowse.


Agents have the ability to gesture over elements on the visitor's browser, to guide and indicate to the visitor.

Masking Elements

Hide elements like credit cards or passwords from agents.

Navigation Assist

Describes how to enable and activate Navigation Assist during a Cobrowse Session

Remote Assist

Agents have the ability to request remote assist of the visitor's browser to assist them during the session.

Screen Share

Glance provides the ability for agents to escalate from a Cobrowse session to showing their screen, without downloading any software.


An agent who has connected to a cobrowse session in Google Chrome may now start Agent Video.