Compatibility FAQ

Which OS and Browser versions work with Glance Screen Share?

A list of operating systems and browsers glance supports is available here.

How do I connect to my guest’s mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)?

Guests may join and view your session from any device. To view your session, guests will only need a web browser and internet access.

Does Glance Screen Share work with Parallels, Boot Camp or VMWare Fusion?

Yes, Glance Screen Share works with Parallels, Boot Camp, and VMWare Fusion.

Coherence Mode in Parallels

If you are running Glance Screen Share from within the Windows environment in Coherence mode (which runs Windows applications on the macOS desktop), some special macOS functions (like zooming windows) may not work. Try running Glance from the macOS side to use and show macOS functions alongside Windows functions.

Do I need to download Glance Screen Share?

Session hosts do need to download Glance Screen Share.

If you are hosting a Glance session, download and install Glance Screen Share on your computer.