
See Glance’s Privacy Policy for more information.

Prepared for GDPR

The European Union has implemented the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), invoking tough new rules on how enterprises gather and use EU citizen information so consumers can have better control of their personal data. Glance has taken every effort to ensure that it complies with these stringent requirements, to ensure the protection of your data.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Glance’s systems are built so that, in most cases, PII never touches Glance servers and is never stored.

Contents of Glance Sessions (Screen Sharing, Cobrowsing, and Video) are never recorded or stored on Glance’s servers. The session data itself is encrypted while in motion across networks.

You can mask sensitive user information that may appear during a session, such as credit card number or taxpayer identification number. The contents of masked elements never touch the Glance service, ensuring complete privacy.

While some companies may ask for your name, telephone number, email address, or other sensitive personal information, Glance does not. In general, an IP address is the only information Glance needs to make the service operate. Glance automatically purges these IP addresses after three months using secure deletion methods. Names, telephone numbers, and email addresses gathered on behalf of Glance customers are automatically purged after six months.

Data Privacy Rule

Glance follows a simple data-privacy rule: the personal data of the users of the businesses they serve (Glance customers) belongs to them. Glance fully supports your rights to privacy, and is a strong advocate of an individual’s ability to control their information.

Your Privacy

At any time you can ask Glance about your information that is held in our system, or you can ask to have it erased. Simply send an email to