
Whenever you make changes to your website, a best practice is to verify that Cobrowse will still run correctly on the modified portions of your website. Verify the following, whenever you upgrade your website:

  • New pages have been tagged with the Cobrowse script tag.

  • New iframes have been tagged with the Cobrowse script tag (This is a common source of issues.)

  • New sensitive information or form fields are masked.

  • If there are hover states in the new website areas, contact Glance Support to ensure that hover states will be reflected on the agent side during Cobrowse sessions.

  • If there are new custom fonts or icons that are not accessible from your website via a cross-origin request, contact Glance Support and Glance can host them on their CDN for access by Cobrowse agents.

Upgrading Your Website

Different methods for joining a cobrowse session.

Upgrading Cobrowse

Learn more about upgrading your version of Cobrowse.

New Releases

Different methods for joining a cobrowse session.

Upgrading FAQ

Answers to commonly-asked questions about upgrading.