Glance for Salesforce Credentials

Some methods, with G4S in their names, are intended for use by Glance for Salesforce. These endpoints require the following data items for authentication:

  • groupId: The Group ID, just like the partnerId mentioned earlier in this document
  • adminName: The Glance Address or user name, like, of the user
  • adminCredentials: The Glance for Salesforce credentials generated for the user.

The Glance for Salesforce credentials is a 32-character string containing a hexadecimal number.

To get a credentials string for a particular username via a Glance API, use the /services/ProvisioningService.asmx?op=ValidateUser method, and specify the username and password of the user. The G4SF credential appears in the <credentials /> stanza of the result. Notice that the ValidateUser method generates a new credentials string for the user on each invocation.