Glance Video

Glance Video humanizes digital interactions by providing the ability for agents to participate and lead a web-based, multi-participant video session with a primary cobrowse visitor. By enabling agents, visitors, and participants to visually interact face-to-face, Glance Enterprise customers improve key business metrics such as: CSAT, NPS, lead conversion, add something here about churnand sales close rates. A few key benefits:

  • Build, grow, and facilitate material relationships that rival in-person experiences
  • Built into pre-existing workflows - start calls with video and quickly escalate into cobrowse with video
  • Embeds directly into your website or mobile site, ensuring a consistent experience
  • Seamlessly connects into your existing CRM, telephony, and chat technology

Multi Multi

To enable this feature, Contact Glance.

Glance Video Features

  • Ability to add additional guest participants
  • Multi-participant Video (up to 10 participants)
  • Accessible UI (conforms to the WCAG 2.1 AA standard)
  • Standard Cobrowse features such as PDF/XLS document viewing, masking, gesturing, Screen Share, and remote assist
  • Salesforce Integration (beta): agents can instantly join video sessions using 1-Click Connect


  • Multi-way Video Large (up to 10 participants)

    • First 9 display in grid
    • 10+ see preview - but do not enter grid
    • If one person in the initial 9 leaves the grid - then the 10th enters the grid for display (and so on)
  • Multi-way Video Small (display up to 4 participants with scrolling)

    • All participants are shown in turn on the ‘filmstrip’ UI.

Browser and Device Support

Glance Video is supported on a variety of devices, browsers, and operating systems, depending on the type of user in the session. Refer to the Browser-Based Multi-Participant Video table for a detailed breakdown.

Bandwidth Requirements

Glance Video will require different amounts of bandwidth depending on a number of factors. Refer to the Bandwith Requirements page for a detailed breakdown.

Configuring and Using Glance Video

Understand the settings needed to configure Glance Video in your group, and how to conduct sessions.

Glance Video Reference

Understand the settings needed to configure Glance Video in your group, and how to conduct sessions.

Troubleshooting Glance Cobrowse with Video

Troubleshooting issues with Glance Video.