URL Configuration

Config Config

The URL Configuration section within Cobrowse Settings allows you to customize the URL links used during a Cobrowse session.

Terms and Conditions

Provides customers with a terms and conditions agreement at the beginning of a Cobrowse session. This URL defaults to the Glance Terms and Conditions page.

Additional Terms

An additional line for terms to show up below Terms and Conditions. If this field is not populated, nothing will display on the modal. If a URL is provided, text must be provided in the Customization Tool in order for this URL to be displayed.

Document Sharing Terms

The Terms and Conditions displayed to the customer when an agent prompts a visitor to share a document. This URL defaults to the Glance Terms and Conditions page.

Guest Join Redirect

Create a new URL for the Guest Join page to provide to the guest. The customer must create a page hosted on their own domain and then add a redirect to the Glance Guest Join page. This URL defaults to the Glance guest join page.

Guest Session End Page

The page that guests are redirected to when a Cobrowse session ends. This URL defaults to Glance.cx.