Document Sharing

Requires CB 5.2 or higher

Document sharing is a feature that allows visitors and agents to share documents with each other during the session. Users can optionally save the files shared with them to their local computer. This is additive to our existing support for PDF and Excel Cobrowsing, which provides the ability to cobrowse PDF or Excel documents hosted on the customer website.

  • Only PDF, XLS, and CSV files are supported.
  • Document sharing from the agent/visitor desktop is only supported in Cobrowse 5.1 and later.
  • Document sharing is not supported on unsecure pages.
  • Only the ‘Accessible’ Cobrowse widget is supported.
  • Agents must join the session through a web browser not the Glance Client.

Glance does not keep a copy of any document shared during a Cobrowse session.

File Size Limits

Shared by Agent

Type Visitor Can Download Visitor View Only

Shared by Visitor

Type Agent Can Download Agent View Only
PDF 5MB No limit
XLS/CSV 5MB No limit

Enabling Document Sharing

To enable document sharing, select the following settings in Account Management.

To share files:

  • Visitor to share files from their computer
  • Agent to share files from their computer

To download files:

  • Agent to save files that visitor has shared
  • Visitor to save files that Agent has shared

Agent-Initiated Sharing

If the agent would like to share a document with the visitor during a session:

  1. From the Document Share icon in the agent viewer > Choose a File. Share Share
  2. The agent is prompted to choose a file from their local computer > Open.
  3. The agent gets the opportunity to preview the file, then clicks Share. Share Share
  4. The agent is cobrowsing the document with the visitor. Share Share
  5. Click the magnifying glass to search for text within the document. Share Share
  6. The visitor can download the document to their local drive if this function is enabled.
  7. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the document.

Visitor-Initiated Sharing

If the visitor would like to share a document with the agent during a session:

  1. The agent clicks the document share icon >Send Request. Share Share
  2. The visitor accepts the request.

    The url used for the Terms and Conditions link is configured by a Glance admin under Settings > Cobrowse Settings > URL Configuration > Document Sharing Terms URL.

    Share Share
  3. The visitor is prompted to drag or open a file from their local computer.
  4. The visitor gets the opportunity to preview the file, then clicks Share. Share Share
  5. The agent can cobrowse the document with the visitor. Share Share
  6. Click the magnifying glass to search for text within the document. Share Share
  7. The agent can download the document to their local drive if this function is enabled.
  8. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the document.

Glance offers the ability to add links to approved PDF, CSV, and Excel documents that agents can share in a session. Once you add documents in the Account Management site, the document is shown in the Document Sharing modal in the Agent Viewer.

You can upload a total of 20 links that reference PDF/CSV/XLS files.

Before You Begin

Configure the CORS headers on your resources to allow requests from during the session.

To add document sharing links:

  1. From Account Management>Settings>Manage your cobrowse settings, scroll to the Document Sharing Links for Agents section. Share Share
  2. For Document Name enter the name you want to display for the link in the agent viewer.
  3. For Link, add a link to the location of the file.
  4. For Role, select the role that needs to access the document.
  5. Select the Active checkbox to make the file active for the agent.
  6. Select the Download checkbox to make the document downloadable.
  7. For Type, select the type of document: PDF, or Excel/XLS.
  8. Click Save to add the link.
  9. Once you are satisfied with your changes in Staging, click Publish to Production.

If a document sharing has been configured to Active in Account Management:

  1. From the document share icon > Select a file from the list of Approved documents you can share. Share Share
  2. The agent gets the opportunity to preview the file, then clicks Share. Share Share
  3. The agent and visitor can cobrowse the document together.
  4. If this capability is enabled, the visitor can download the document to their local drive.
  5. Click the X in the top-right corner to close the document.


For events related to document sharing, see Cobrowse Visitor Events and Browser Agent API Events.