Glance Video Reference

Agent Controls

Icon/UI Element Name Details
Video Video Join Button Allows the agent to join a video session from Salesforce when a visitor is logged in.
Video Video Join with Key Allows the agent to join a video session from a key provided by the visitor.
Video Video Agent Join Page Allows the agent to join a video session from a key provided by the visitor.
Video Video Resize Video Allows the visitor to resize the video to large video.
Video Video Turn Video on/off Allows the participant to turn their video on and off.
Video Video Eject guest Allows the agent to eject the guest, if needed.
Video Video Pause guest video Allows the agent to pause the guest’s video.
Video Video Cobrowse Widget The Cobrowse widget contains the End button and options to resize video or turn video on/off. The widget can be dragged and dropped on the screen during a session and will snap to a corner based on the quadrant it is moved into.
Video Video Glance Icon The G icon is only informational.
Video Video Settings Provides the ability to choose a webcam, turn on video background effects, or turn on accessibility.
Video Video Settings - Webcam Choose which camera you want to use for the session.
Video Video Settings - Video Background Effects Turn background effects on or off.
Video Video Settings - Accessibility If enabled, turn this switch on (blue) to enable accessibility. This feature allows agents to guide customers by clicking on a page element, which automatically activates the visitor’s screen reader to read the clicked element out loud.
Video Video Back/Forward If remote assist is enabled, these buttons allow you to go back or forward.
Video Video Refresh If remote assist is enabled, this button allows you to refresh the page.
Video Video Add Guest Allows the agent to invite guests to the session.
Video Video Add Guest (dropdown) Once the agent clicks Add Guest, they can click the copy button to copy the URL to the guest join page to share with guests. Once the agent has a code from a guest, they enter the code into the field and click Admit.
Video Video Share Screen If the agent has share screen privileges, it provides the ability for the agent share a window, browser tab, or their entire screen. It also allows the agent to send a request to the visitor to view their screen.
Video Video Remote Assist If the agent has remote assist privileges, it provides the ability for the agent to request control of the visitor’s interface. When remote assist is on, a green dot in the middle of the mouse icon is displayed. To stop remote assist, click the mouse button again.
Video Video Share Document If the agent has share document privileges, it provides the ability for the agent to share a document with the visitor or for the visitor to share a document with the agent.
Video Video Video If the agent has video privileges, it provides the ability for the agent to show video. Click the video button to start agent video. When video is on, a green dot in the middle of the camera icon is displayed. To stop agent video, click the video button again.
Video Video Customer Info Provides relevant session details and diagnostics, inluding Session Code, Visitor OS, Browser Type, Browser Version, and Report a Problem (if enabled).
Video Video End The End button ends the session and closes the browser window.

Visitor Controls

Icon/UI Element Name Details
Video Video Visitor Preview (1-Click Connect)

with Terms and Conditions

If a visitor is logged in, and an agent has 1-click connect enabled in a CRM, when the agent clicks the orange Join button, the visitor is presented with a set of terms and conditions.
Video Video 1 of 2: Visitor Preview (Code use case) If the camera isn’t enabled this is the first screen.
Video Video 2 of 2: Visitor Preview (Code use case) Video preview with session code once the camera is enabled.
Video Video Blocked Camera Alert Visitor has clicked the block camera on the browser bar icon.
Video Video Camera Off Alert Visitor turned off the camera in the modal.
Video Video Waiting Message Displays when the visitor has accepted terms but is waiting for the agent to click Join.
Video Video Remote Assist Request Allows the user to accept the remote assist request.
Video Video Camera Settings Allows the user to choose a camera.
Video Video Video Settings Allows the user to turn their camera on or off.

Guest Controls

Icon/UI Element Name Details
Video Video Name Field Allows the guest to enter their name. Once they click Join, a code appears.
Video Video Camera Settings Allows the guest to choose a camera.
Video Video Video Settings Allows the guest to turn their camera on or off.
Video Video Code Field Once the guest has entered their name, a code box appears, which they will provide to the agent to admit them.
Video Video Video Slider In small video mode, if you cannot see all participants in the session, this icon allows you to filter through different participants in the session.