6.36 Cobrowse and Website - November 26, 2024


  • Restored EndCall.asp to the Website.
  • Resolved an issue where filtering was not functional in the Bulk Update methods in Account Management.

Script Package

  • Added logging from Cobrowse Script to CServer for visitor connecting to CAM.
  • Added logging from Cobrowse Script to CServer for CAM connection failing.
  • Resolved an issue where resizing a shared window in agent-side Web Screen Share led to a distorted view of the shared window on the visitor-side.
  • Resolved an issue where GetDisplayMedia prompt would reappear for a visitor who previously canceled the prompt.
  • If the Glance service attempts to retrieve a resource (such as an image, stylesheet or font) in order to render the view of the customer page from the customer’s website, and the customer’s website returns zero content length, or does not specify any content-length header, the response is now immediately treated as an error. Previously, in some cases, the session would have waited 5 seconds before determining that the resource was not accessible.

Cobrowse Asset Management (CAM)

  • If the max size is exceeded for a resource in CAM service, the visitor-server logs an error, but does not publish the resource to NATS. It now replies with a 413 error (Payload too large).
  • Resolved issues relating to visitors navigating to a new page while the Glance service is still requesting constructed stylesheets from the previous page. Temporary errors caused by this scenario are no longer cached, so that subsequent attempts to request the same stylesheets will succeed.

Video Server

  • Video Server now reports visitor video call ID to Session Metrics script.