Activity Service Conventions

This document describes various Glance Web Services APIs, which return information on your Glance sessions and participant details.

The APIs in general can be called via SOAP/XML or JSON requests. Calls may also be made via HTTPS POSTs, returning XML results. These APIs are implemented using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and may be consumed by any compatible software.

Information on retrieving authentication information for a particular username is available here.

General Conventions

Convention Description
Partner ID / API Key Most operations authenticate with a partnerId and apiKey. The partnerId is the same as your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance. The API Key can be set or reset and viewed by an Administrator logged in to the Glance My Account area under Settings. You must store this value securely.
PartnerUserId Operations that specify a particular Glance user will usually take a PartnerUserId. This is a value Glance can store for a user containing your unique user identifier for the user (any string of up to 255 characters). It is usually set by provisioning users with the Partner API (see Glance Partner API) or from a CSV file upload in the online Partner Portal.
Date values Date values can be specified as UTC or local time in ISO 8601 format:

  • 2012-12-01T16:08:00Z UTC date and time
  • 2012-12-01T16:08:00-5:00 Time with offset from UTC
  • 2012-12-01T16:00:00 Unspecified timezone = US East Coast time (EST or EDT)
  • 2012-12-01 Time 00:00, midnight at the beginning of Dec 1, 2012, East Coast time

Date values are returned in UTC.