Managing Configuration Manager (CME) Settings

Configuration Layers

The customization options can be configured on the following Configuration Layer objects (from top to bottom):

  • Workspace Application: the top-level, organization-wide configuration options.
  • Agent Group: the agent group level options, which override Workspace Application level options.
  • Agent: the agent level options, which override the Agent Group level options.

Only the top-level Workspace Application settings are required. The agent group and agent level settings are only required if you want particular groups or agents to have custom configurations.

Access Workspace Application

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Applications.
  2. Right click on Workspace Desktop and select Properties.
  3. Click the Options tab and scroll down to the interaction-workspace section and open it. CME CME
  4. Filter the configuration parameters with the keyword glance. CME CME
  5. Review the Config Options within the workspace.
  6. Click the Create New button to add additional options.
  7. Input the Option Name and Option Value based on the Configuration Options. CME CME
  8. Click OK.

Agent Group Level

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Persons.
  2. Right click on the Name of User and select Properties.
  3. Click the Member of tab to see the groups the Agent is in. CME CME
  4. Click the Add button to add additional groups.
  5. Select the groups that need to be added and click OK. CME CME

Agent Level

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Persons.
  2. Right click on the Name of User and select Properties.
  3. Click the Annex tab and scroll down to the interaction-workspace section and open it.
  4. Filter the configuration parameters with the keyword glance. CME CME
  5. Click the Create New button to add additional options.
  6. Input the Option Name and Option Value based on the Configuration Options. CME CME
  7. Click OK.

Add Glance Role

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Roles.
  2. Click New. CME CME
  3. Input GlanceRole for Name. CME CME
  4. Click the Members tab and add the necessary members to the group.
  5. Click Ok.

Add Privilege

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Roles.
  2. Click GlanceRole.
  3. Click the Annex Tab.
  4. Click the Create New Section/Option button. CME CME
  5. Input “CfgInteractionWorkspace” and click OK.
  6. Double click on CfgInteractionWorkspace.
  7. Click the Create New Section/Option button. CME CME
  8. Input “IntegrationWorkspace.Glance.canUse” for the Option Name and “1” for the Option Value. CME CME
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Apply.

Setting Up Filters for Real Time Reporting with Pulse

Glance offers the ability to report on session metadata, including:

  • Session Key
  • Session Start Time
  • Session End Time
  • Duration

To view this data, you must set up the proper filters.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Environment > Applications.
  2. Right click on Stat Server and choose properties.
  3. Click the Options tab.
  4. Double click on Filters.
  5. Click the Create New Section/Option icon. CME CME
  6. Input the Option Name and Option Value based on the below table. CME CME
Section Option Name Option Value
Filters Voice_Glance PairExists("GLANCE_REPORT_END ","*") & (PairExists("MediaType","voice") | (MediaType=voice))
Filters GlanceSession PairExists("GLANCE_REPORT_END ","*")
Filters Chat_Glance PairExists("GLANCE_REPORT_END","*") & PairExists("MediaType","chat")

Historic Reporting

If you are using historic reporting, such as Infomart, you must save the GLANCE_REPORT_START, GLANCE_REPORT_END, and GLANCE_REPORT_DURATION Key Value Pairs to be available for usage in calculating Glance metrics.

Time stamps for the start and end of the session are stored in Epoch format and may need to be converted to your configured date/time format for use. Here is an example of what the raw data will look like as attached data:

‘GLANCE_REPORT_START’GLANCE_REPORT_DURATION [lst] = KVList: ‘123456789’ [str] = “9826’

The first number (123456789) is the session key and the second number (9826) is the number that relates to the interaction detail data from Glance.