Web Service APIs

Glance offers API access to our systems.

Administrative APIs

From your servers or other backend systems, you can manage accounts for your Glance users. Our user provisioning API allows you to create, delete, modify, and query your users’ accounts in bulk.

From those backend systems, you can measure and analyze your use of Glance with our activity web service APIs.

Front-end APIs

Front-end APIs

To help integrate your web services with Glance, in your web applications you can use:

  • Our authorization API seamlessly to obtain credentials to authorize your users to use Glance services.

  • Our session-invitation API to send messages to your customers asking them to use Glance to connect with your users.

Customer Records Retriever (CRR)

The Customer Records Retriever (CRR) is a public-facing HTTP interface for Glance customers to retrieve data related to their product activity. Refer to this page for detailed information.

User Provisioning API

Creating, updating, deleting, and listing accounts for Glance users.

Activity Service API

Retrieving information to measure and analyze your use of Glance services.

Browser Agent API

Joining Glance sessions, lookup sessions, open a new window, receive lifecycle events, and close the session.

Glance Authorization Service

Obtaining credentials to authorize your users to use Glance services.

Session Invitation Web Service

The following describes the APIs for partner user registration integration. SummarySends session invitation messages to visitors. Session Invitation API ReferenceSession Invitation API reference.

Glance for Salesforce Authentication

Authorizing Salesforce.com subscribers to use Glance services: details.

Customer Records Retriever

Retrieving completed session data from Glance.