3.31 Salesforce Package - December 22, 2023

Fixes and Improvements

  • New Max Sync Minutes Field: Added a new field in Glance Company Settings that allows you to set custom max sync minutes in the event that there are sync issues. Previously setting max sync minutes required assistance from Glance Customer Success. See this page for more information on how and when to modify this setting.
  • Video Session Reporting enhancements: Added the ability to see if video was used on sessions.
  • Look and Feel changes: Updated Glance Branding to the new logo. Note, you must complete a fresh install of the Glance package to see the updated branding.
  • Ability to sort on Glance Sync History page: Added the ability to easily sort the page contents by column, and set the number of records per-page.
  • Additional minor enhancements and improvements.