
Some Glance customers manage their users’ registration via requests into the Glance server. This can be an effective way to manage your users, especially if you have many of them. To do this, you make https requests to the Glance website. These requests are designed to be made either

  • by some program on your server, or
  • via requests made from the users’ browsers from links or forms on pages served by your website.

You must not use unencrypted http requests; only https requests are allowed.


The API request endpoints are:

Operation Description
NewUser Creates a new user account
UpdateUser Updates an existing user account
DeleteUser Deletes an existing user account
ShowUsers Retrieves information about one or more users
ShowRoles Retrieves a list of the roles you have enabled, if any


You access the endpoints in this API using https POST requests, passing the parameters as html form field values.


It is possible to use this API via GET requests. But we strongly discourage doing so because some parameters contain passwords. Web servers log GET requests including passwords and other parameters, which is insecure.


When making requests to these operations you must include authentication parameters.

Parameter Data type
PartnerLogin Glance user name Required
PartnerPW Text string Either PartnerPW or PartnerAuth is required
PartnerAuth LoginKey Either PartnerPW or PartnerAuth is required
PartnerID groupID Optional

PartnerLogin: The Glance user name of an active administrative user. Glance assigns this user name. It is an error (see response handling below) if an unknown or inactive partner name is supplied. Notice that Glance user names are not email addresses: they look like, not

PartnerPW: The password for the PartnerLogin. Either PartnerPW or PartnerAuth is required.

PartnerAuth: An alternate authentication using a time-limited LoginKey for the PartnerLogin account. See the LoginKey document for information on generating this parameter.

PartnerID: An optional parameter of the the group ID that the action is intended to take place on. If your admin user is in multiple groups, you must specify a partner ID.


You may include URL parameters to cause the web service to redirect its client. These parameters are deprecated and may be removed in a future API release.

Parameter Data type
OKURL URL Deprecated, Optional
FailURL URL Deprecated, Optional

OKURL: (deprecated, optional) If the operation succeeds, the web service redirects its client (via a 302 status code and Redirect header) to this URL. (The NewUser operation may add parameters to this redirection URL.)

FailURL: (deprecated, optional) If the NewUser operation fails, the web service redirects its client to this URL.



Upon success, operations in this web service return this XML document.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>


Upon failure, the operations in this API return an XML document like this one.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
  <msg>Required field not supplied</msg>

Possible <errcode> and <msg> values are these. If the failure relates to a parameter, its name appears in the <field> value.

errcode msg Description
13001 Required field not supplied
13002 Bad field value The data you provided was formatted incorrectly
13003 Login failed The PartnerLogin / PartnerPW combination was incorrect
13003 User not admin The PartnerLogin user must be an account administrator
13003 Authorization failed The PartnerAuth LoginKey was incorrect
13004 Address already exists The UserAddress you chose is already in use
13005 Glance Address is not available The UserAddress you chose is reserved
13005 User does not exist The user you requested is not registered in Glance
13005 Password must be at least eight characters The UserPW does not meet password complexity requirements
13006 Could not provision audio
13007 User limit reached You cannot provision any more users
13999 PartnerAuth not supported Your account does not accept LoginKeys