Using Desktop Screen Share

Glance Screen Share makes it easy to quickly see or show anything on your screen during a conversation. If you are speaking with a person over the phone and you want to show your screen or see theirs, it only takes a few steps to set up.

Start a Session

When you are on the phone with your guest and want to start a session, follow these steps:

  1. On a PC, click the G icon in the corner of your screen next to your clock. On a Mac, Click the G icon on your dock, then click the G icon in the menu bar.
  2. Choose which kind of session you want to start:
  • Show: to share your desktop with a guest. If you choose to show your screen, a border will be drawn around your screen to indicate that it is being shared. You also have the option to choose which monitor you want to view. Your guests will not need to download any software to view your screen.

  • View: to view a guest’s screen. You have the ability to choose if you want to use remote control or not. Select View Only to view without remote control, or View and Control to use remote control. After you start a session, the Session Info box appears with directions on how to invite guests to the session.

Using Using

Once you start a session, the Session Info box is displayed with directions on how to invite guests to the session. After guests are connected, it also displays how many guests are connected to your session.

Using Using

You can minimize this box at any time without affecting your session. To bring it back, click the G icon.

The Glance session times out if your first guest doesn’t join within ten minutes.

Invite Guests

Over the phone, invite guests by following the directions under Invite Guests on the Session Info box. You can use the buttons found below these directions to send session details to your guests.

Using Using

  • The copy button copies session details to your clipboard for you to paste into any other communication service.
  • The envelope button opens your default email client and drafts a message with a link to join your session.

Once your guests access the URL, it should look similar to this: Using Using

To connect, your guests simply enter the Session Key and click Join Session. If the session is to view their screen, they are prompted to download the Glance Guest software.

During a Session

During your session, you have options that you can access by clicking on the G icon.


Show allows you to choose which monitor you want to use during the session.


During the session, the visitor and agent can:

  • Move and Indicate - with their cursor (shows as a colored cursor for the presenter).
  • Point - Click for a radiating indication, which will radiate for ~5 seconds.
  • Gesture - Click and drag a rectangle to indicate an area.

Gesturing can be set on/off at group/role for View and Show sessions. It can also be set to on/off from the Glance Client.

Hide My Screen

The pause button allows you to hide your screen while keeping your guests connected to your session. The border will disappear to indicate that sharing is suspended, the UI updates to say “Screen hidden”, and your guests will see a message saying “Screen not being shown…”

Using Using

To show your screen again:

  1. If Glance is minimized, click the G icon.
  2. Click the Play icon to resume showing your screen.

Using Using

Allow Remote Control

Turning the remote control option on will allow viewers to remotely control the screen. When a guest has control, an orange dot appears over their cursor.

Whoever’s screen is being shown has priority control. When they move their mouse or type on their keyboard, viewers are prevented from taking control. When the showing person stops, guests can take control again.

To turn off remote control:

  1. If Glance is minimized, click the G icon.
  2. Click the Arrow icon.

Using Using

When the arrow icon has a white outline, the guest has the ability to use remote control but it is currently turned OFF. If the icon has a red outline, remote control is turned ON.

If you do not want your Glance users have the option to use remote control, you can disable it in your group settings.


When remote control is active, viewers have full access to your computer. Do not leave your computer unattended while in a Glance session with remote control active.

Select an Application

Glance provides the ability to choose which applications your agents have the ability to share. You can configure a list of approved applications, so that agents can only share those applications and not their entire desktop. This feature is available upon request, Contact Glance for more information.

Ending Session

Click the END button when you are finished. This closes the session for both the client and the viewer.